Tuesday 22 October 2013

Joey Atlas Truth about Cellulite - Fought cellulite and localized fat

Joey Atlas Reviews
Joey Atlas Truth about Cellulite - With Cocoon Duo technology! Defeated relaxation, cellulite and "orange peel" with the help of science and technology and make tightening facial and body without a scalpel!

What is Cocoon Duo technology and what technologies they use?

An noninvasive method combines two leading technologies, cavitations (Cavitations), and Radio Frequency. It is the most modern solution for the person to restore the contour and the area below the eyes, which often appear dark circles and helps to treat and prevent cellulite , tightening of the thighs and buttocks, local deposition fat. How active radio frequencies and in what areas of the body applied? Cocoon Duo technology The Uses various heads and multicourse monopole radiofrequency (RF) for specialized treatment of each area of the face and body. Bipolar head causes superficial heat, while unipolar deeper. Joey Atlas eBook

Carry thermal solution subcutaneous fat while tightening of the connective tissue, in areas with dermal fat accumulation and relaxation. The thermal energy causes neokollagenesi, contributing to grinding and chipping of the skin. The controlled heat generated under the skin causes growth-improving movement and shrinkage of adipocytes. Carry stimulation of fibroblasts to produce collagen fibers and elastic fibers. The heads are adapted to fit on the face, neck, arms, abdomen, knees, thighs and buttocks. HOW DOES Cavitation (cavitation);

The Cavitation is the most radical modern non-invasive liposculpture. The principle refers to the formation of gas bubbles within the adipocytes with energy sonographer. The final swelling and violent collapse of the bubble leads to irreversible destruction of fat cells (lipodiaspasi) and liquefaction of fat (lipolysis). The destroyed fat cells and excess fat below the normal metabolic process and excreted. Fat cells do not regenerate destroyed and so the results are permanent.

How many sessions will be needed and how often? place every 1-2 weeks with a duration of 30-60 minutes. It can be applied in all seasons, in all types of skin. The number of sessions varies from 5 to 8 on the face, at 15 days and 6 to 12 in the body, depending on the incident. Results are visible from the first session. Target? At all ages, men and women. painful is the treatment? Are there side effects? 's completely painless, patients describe it enjoyable and relaxing. Radio frequencies cause a deep, tolerated heat sensation in the treated area. Joey Scam Reviews

During treatment with ultrasound Cavitation is only a small tolerable noise. We may appear mild swelling and redness, which disappears in the coming hours. The method ensures safety, efficacy, with a gradual improvement without deformation and distortion of facial features. The cost is high? No, he has fully adapted to the needs of our time.

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